Friday, February 5, 2010

Talks between powers

Relationships between world powers are changing all the time-that could be due to their pursuit of self-interest, profit maximization, and disagreement on some political policies. This brings up the necessity of strategic talks between powers for both parties to negotiate.

Recently, the talks between Chinese officials and representatives of Dalai Lama were arranged. Few expect the talks make much progress, nor tensions in Tibet to subside.

For such sensitive issue which will affect a country's national integrity, spokesmen of both sides must choose their words cautiously and intentionally. The language we use always expresses our ideas or opinions; as for relationships between countries, what kind of words are used as well as how the spokesmen deliver the messages, all represent their own stance. International relationship, as well as that of different parties within one country, is really a sensitive issue that if miscommunication occurs, it could trigger cold wars, trade barriers and whatsoever unfavored things to happen. In the case of China and Tibet(of course I'm not saying Tibet is independent from China), both parties expect to realize their own interest during talks, in another word, language reflect its users. So for the effective talks between the two parties, some critical principle are extensionally-centred strategy, direct and specific use of language, flexible in language use, as well as engaging in perceptive checking.

Obama meeting Dalai Lama just makes this issue much more complicated. China government strongly oppose U.S president's meeting with the head of Tibet area. Such "internal affair" should be settled by the internal powers, so the third party's intervention will make the issue harder to handle, and probably at the risk of a coming up rigid relationship between U.S and China. As China and U.S are two of the most influential powers in the world, any miscommunication will be detrimental to both political and economic aspects.

The issue of Tibet has been argued since long time ago, but little progress has seen. Anyway, just wish that peace will finally achieved in the west part of China!!


  1. Tibet. The irony is that it is portrayed as a peaceful region but it is plagued with a history of invasion and tension with China that seems to never cease.

    It is important to maintain a civil tongue whilst speaking about sensitive issues as well as insuring progress in what is being said.

  2. The relationship between America and China has been fraught with tension. We have witnessed many instances of disagreement between America and China. However, the reality is both countries rely on one another for economic reasons and therefore harmony in their relationship is key.

    World leaders have to be sensitive of issues in naitons so as to retain the harmony in their relationships.

  3. It is important for the parties who held talks to select thair words carefully, so that tension does not get worse. It is also important to present their thoughts in a clear language. This will reduce the possibillities of misunderstanding.


  4. Misunderstandings and misconceptions often causes conflict and dispute amongst nations. It is crucial for a caountry to have allies rather than enemies when in times of crisis. That's the reason why nations have to be mindful of their actions and words if they want to obtain good relations with others because every country is interdependant on one another, seeking aid and resources from other countries for instance.

  5. Along with the historical developing stage of China, power struggling exists all the time. Not only Dalai Lama but also Rebiya Kadeer are crazy about "making noises".
    They are the politic clowns controlled by some forces. The hegemony of certain countries sets a stage for hot political issues via making use of any twerps that want to make chaos.
    The sovereign rights are the pivotal points that force govnmt to act and fight. Any ridiculous behaviour that insults the sovereign rights of a country will be punnished eventually.

  6. yes i agree that the use of language is the main factor that will reflect the results. If one of party, for example China, do not show respect to Tibet decisions and try to confront Tibet by using harsh words of language, conflict will arise. However, it should be noted that non-verbal language also can affect peoples' decision. For example, if during the meeting, the representative of one of the parties give an impression that they will not agree and won't listen to their argument. It will just resulted in conflict. This is because the 'victim' party will feel demolarised and disrespected by the other party.

  7. In every political conflict, the real victims are always the general public. Therefore, it is crucial that politicians speak carefully and conduct themselves well, because any slight mistake made on their part could affect the welfare of the entire population.

    Hence, I feel that politicians should think of their people before they speak, and recognize the severity of any mistakes made. This will prevent unnecessary conflicts between countries. However, this is easier said than done. In the course of history, there are numerous examples of political leaders behaving inadequately, for their own selfish gains or egoism issues. They failed to think of their people.

    Since political leaders are very important to the country, it is therefore essential that the public choose their leaders carefully. So one should not neglect the importance of elections, and choose wisely.

  8. I thought that the government of China was quite inflexible with this issue regarding Tibet's independence. If they want independence and can survive out there on their own, so give it to them. So much trouble has been caused in history over civil wars and independence disputes. That should make the government of China sit up and wake up their idea and not repeat the mistakes of other nations. In my opinion, I think that Tibet is not wrong to want independence.

  9. well, i still don't think china should be so generous to give up tibet which is an indispensable part of the country. Dalai Lama is obviously triggering conflicts to which china government should never change their attitude coz no one is sure about whether dalai lama is a puppet of some other political forces. i dare not imagine what will happen if china government just let it go. will some other regions of china also require independence? what will the image of china be on the international stage? what a terrible thing to say!!!

  10. Politics is always controversial and it is much up to the persona belief and preference. I personally am not a supporter for Nature Law and do not believe in the absolute value of state sovereignty and human rights. I am a mere positivist. Being a positivist, I think that China should exert further control upon Tibet while it can. For Tibet, they probably should have a bit more of appreciation. Without the Chinese government, they might still be in the primitive society. Without the financial support, it will be hard to achieve this much of global attention because people barely knew about them. Whoever has the power justify its power.

  11. I agree with author ' s opinion . It is not a easy thing to have conversation between powers, because maybe they have different interests , different background and have difference in specific spokesmen of both side are extremely important , they shoud have very good skills and they should find their common interests if they want to have a good result of their conversation . What is more , i think the Tibet problem can be solved and Tibet is the part of China forever . what we should do now is have more patient and try our best to have more communication .

  12. I feel that techniques in negotiation between nations is of great importance. It can either be beneficial or detrimental to the relationship between the nations. In the case of Dalai Lama, I do not feel he wants to settle the problem and conform to the Chinese government sincerely. So, it really takes time for the issue to be settled.

  13. Talks or conferences held by people/leader of two different nationality/ethnic/race usually end up with no fixed agreement. Perhaps, the difference in thoughts and the fought for self or national interest was at stake. What is important to one, may not be as important to the other. Thus, much concession have to be made by both sides to achieve a satisfactory agreement. For this case, the talks still have a long way to go! :)


  14. he is just a ass hole, peanut, murderer, the biggest lier and a half man with no dick!

  15. Accroding to the activities of Dalai Lama who attemped to depart china and tibet and went around the world for cheat the foreigners who doesn't understand chinese goverment, it is easy to surmise that Dalai Lama are probably being supported by an unknown country ,the purpose of this is that it want to cause confusion of china and weaken the power of china
